The Highlord’s Return: Protection Warrior, Blood Death Knight, Brewmaster Monk, Vengeance Demon Hunter, Guardian Druid, and Protection Paladin.The God-Queen’s Fury: Arcane Mage, Demonology Warlock, Retribution Paladin, Assassination Rogue, and Enhancement Shaman.Feltotem’s Fall: Beast Mastery Hunter, Discipline Priest, Destruction Warlocks, Windwalker Monk.End of the Risen Threat: Holy Paladins, Mistweaver Monks, Restoration Shaman, Holy Priests, and Restoration Druid.Closing the Eye: Arms Warrior, Frost Death Knight, Havoc Demon Hunter, Subtlety Rogue, and Survival Hunter.An Impossible Foe: Elemental Shaman, Feral Druid, Fire Mage, Fury Warrior, Outlaw Rogue, and Unholy Death Knight.Here are the seven challenges you must topple to obtain the Soaring Spelltome, as well as the necessary class specializations required to initiate them. To get the most out of the Mage Tower, you’ll have to run through the encounters with different characters or class specializations. While the seven encounters aren’t limited to certain classes, only a handful of specific specializations will be able to tackle each scenario. There are seven Mage Tower encounters you must complete to earn the Soaring Spelltome.
Dark fury mage tower wow how to#
How to get the Soaring Spelltome mount Image via Blizzard Entertainment Here’s how to obtain the Soaring Spelltome mount for yourself. Now, the Soaring Spelltome is back in the game’s files and is available for players to earn as a reward from the upcoming Mage Tower event.

Last year, the Soaring Spelltome was introduced to the WoW community as a potential addition to the game through a fan vote for a new mount but lost out to the Wandering Ancient. More intrepid players who complete all seven challenges across different characters will earn a unique mount, the Soaring Spelltome. Players who complete one of the Mage Tower’s challenges will receive a transmogrification set for the class that they complete the challenge with. When the Mage Tower returns to WoW later this year alongside the Legion Timewalking event, players will have the chance to earn event-specific rewards. With seven unique challenges designed for different classes and specializations, the Mage Tower is one of WoW’s most fleshed-out pieces of content. The Mage Tower event is returning to World of Warcraft after a three-year hiatus from the game’s live servers.